Informative website for admission support and software integration


Coimbatore Public School

Coimbatore Public School is a co-education school offering education up to senior secondary and it is affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). In CPS, they teach children through a globalised education platform, designed not only to ignite creativity and curiosity among kids, but also to teach social responsibility and values of the world.


Informative website for admission support and software integration

Graphic Design & Website Design

With our experience in website designing and other digital solutions for the education industry, we have built an elegant and informative website. Also, we integrated their school management software into their website, adding prospects and admission policies.

With our informative website, it was made easier for both parents and students to access and analyze information about school standards and services, developing a new platform for admission support. In addition, the integration of school software into the website improved the school’s reputation and significantly increased the percentage of prospect visitor conversion.

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